要使用此功能,你需要配置你的移动测量合作伙伴 (MMP) 来与 TikTok 广告管理平台集成。本文将指导你完成设置 MMP 的过程,并提供来自 Branch、Singular、Adjust 和 AppsFlyer 的回传事件的一个示例数据结构。
通常,配置 MMP 以与 TikTok 广告管理平台集成有四个步骤。请注意,不同的第三方测量平台的这些步骤可能略有不同。
将 3 类事件(查看内容、加入购物车和购买)添加到 MMP 中,并将这些事件回传到 TikTok 广告管理平台。
在 MMP 上映射各类事件的必填字段。
在你的 MMP 上启用完全事件数据传输。
授予对 MMP 的读取权限或向 TikTok 销售代表发送屏幕截图。
要将 MMP 与 TikTok 的视频购物广告(商品库)完全集成,你需要在 MMP 中添加 3 类回传事件。
TikTok 事件:代码 | Branch | Singular | Adjust | AppsFlyer |
ViewContent:29 | VIEW_CONTENT(查看内容) | ViewContent(查看内容) | View content(查看内容) | View_content(查看内容) |
AddToCart:22 | ADD_TO_CART(加入购物车) | AddToCart(加入购物车) | Add to cart(加入购物车) | Add_to_cart(加入购物车) |
Purchase:2 (Checkout:20) | PURCHASE(购买) | Purchase(购买) | Pay(支付) | Pay(支付) |
除了添加这些事件外,你还可以将所有事件回传到 TikTok 广告管理平台。我们建议这样做,因为这将有助于广告投放。
注意:当你在 MMP 中选择“支付”或“购买”事件并将其发送回 TikTok 广告管理平台时,我们将在我们的内部数据库中为该事件保存 2 条记录。一条标记为“购买”,另一条标记为“结账”。这是一个内部流程,不会影响任何功能。
字段名称 | 位置 | 描述 | 备注 |
event | 事件名称 | 请参见“事件类型”部分。MMP 会将其发布到 TikTok。 | |
content_id(内容 ID) | properties.contents | Sku_id 或 spu_id | 强制性要求:广告主必须在 TikTok 的 MMP 中映射。 |
content_type(内容类型) | properties.contents | 值应当为“product”或“product_group” | 强制性要求:广告主必须在 TikTok 的 MMP 中映射。 |
quantity(数量) | properties.contents | 订单中的商品数量 | 可选性建议:广告主应当在 TikTok 的 MMP 中映射。 |
price(价格) | properties.contents | 单件商品的价格 | 可选性建议:广告主应当在 TikTok 的 MMP 中映射。 |
currency(币种) | properties | 币种 | 可选性建议:广告主应当在 TikTok 的 MMP 中映射。 |
value(值) | properties | 订单的总价 | 可选:广告主应当在 TikTok 的 MMP 中映射。 |
app_id(应用 ID) | context.app | 应用 ID | 对于应用事件:MMP 会将其发布到 TikTok。 |
pixel_id(Pixel ID) | context.pixel | Pixel ID | 对于 Pixel 事件:MMP 会将其发布到 TikTok。 |
idfa | context.device.idfa | IDFA | 对于 iOS 应用:MMP 会将其发布到 TikTok。 |
gaid | context.device.gaid | GAID | 对于 Android:MMP 会将其发布到 TikTok。 |
platform(平台) | context.device.platform | iOS/Android | MMP 会将其发布到 TikTok。 |
email(电子邮件) | context.user | 电子邮件 | 可选:对于 Pixel 事件,广告主可以通过 SDK 或 API 将其传递给 TikTok。 |
phone_number(电话号码) | context.user | 电话号码 | 可选:对于 Pixel 事件,广告主可以通过 SDK 或 API 将其传递给 TikTok。 |
timestamp(时间戳) | 回传时间 | MMP 会将其发布到 TikTok。 |
注意:你还可以将其他字段传递至 TikTok 广告管理平台。TikTok 广告管理平台将收集并存储传回给它的其他任何字段,以备将来使用。
1.{2. "eventEnum": "29",3. "event":"ViewContent",4. "properties": {5. "contents":[6. {7. "content_type":"stri", 8. "quantity":1, 9. "content_id":"1077218", 10. "price":8 11. },12. {13. "content_type":"stri",14. "quantity":1,15. "content_id":"1077218",16. "price":817. }18. ],19. "currency":"USD",20. "value":16.00, 21. "query":"The text string that was searched for",22. "description" : "" 23. },24. "context": {25. "ad": {26. ......27. },28. "app": {29. "id": "{app_id}",30. "name" :"",31. "namespace":"",32. "version" :"app_version"33. },34. "device": { 35. "platform": "iOS / Android",36. "idfa": "2A5E62C7-F1C0-40C4-B232-39CE243325C2",37. "idfv": "3D06F4AE-3826-4AC8-8241-541C92B9943E",38. "gaid": "",39. "imei": "",40. "android_id": ""41. },42. ......43. "ip": "{ip}",44. "userAgent": "{ua}"45. },46. "timestamp": "2019-06-12T19:11:01.152Z"47.}
Pixel 事件
1.{2. "event":"ViewContent",3. "context":{4. "ad":{5. .......6. },7. "Pixel":{8. "code":"BEB7A51TE4MDGLOLEN40"9. },10. "user":{11. "email":"example.bytedance.com", 12. "phone_number":"3243242342"13. },14. ......15. },16. "properties": {17. "contents":[18. {19. "content_type":"stri",20. "quantity":1,21. "content_id":"1077218",22. "price":823. },24. {25. "content_type":"stri",26. "quantity":1,27. "content_id":"1077218",28. "price":829. }30. ],31. "currency":"USD",32. "value":16.00,33. "query":"The text string that was searched for",34. "description" : "" 35. },36. "timestamp":"2019-06-12T19:11:01.152Z"37.}
如何处理 content_id
应用名称 | 如何处理 content_id |
Branch | Branch 提供标准回传模板,该模板定义所有字段映射,例如将“$sku”映射到 content_id。然后 TikTok 将根据该模板将“$sku”映射到“content_id”。 |
Singular | 用户可以使用回传模板对属性进行自定义、将特定字段映射到 content_id 并发送到 TikTok 平台。 |
Adjust | 为用户提供用于添加属性映射的 UI,它可以将特定字段映射到 content_id 并发送到 TT 平台。 |
AppsFlyer | 用户必须使用“af_content_id”,并且不能更改它。TT 端将处理此字段并自动将其映射到“content_id”。 |
MMP 设置示例
1. 确认已添加 PURCHASE(购买)、ADD_TO_CART(加入购物车)、VIEW_CONTENT(查看内容)事件并已将这些事件传递到 TikTok 广告管理平台。

2. 确认 content_id(内容 ID)将在事件属性中传递至 TikTok 广告管理平台。你可以使用回传模板对属性进行自定义、将特定字段映射到 content_id 并发送到 TikTok 广告管理平台。
3. 选中所有事件,将所有事件数据发送到 TikTok 广告管理平台。

4. 将 Branch 账户的完全读取权限授予 TikTok 团队成员,或将上述所有设置的屏幕截图发送给你的销售代表。
5. 示例原始数据
$sku 是兼容的。我们的后端系统会将其解析为 content_id。
1.{ 2. "eventEnum": "29", 3. "properties": [ 4. { 5. "$publicly_indexable": false, 6. "$locally_indexable": false, 7. "$exp_date": 0, 8. "$canonical_identifier": "", 9. "$og_title": "xxxxxster: (null)", 10. "$canonical_URL": "", 11. "$og_description": "", 12. "$og_image_URL": "https://xxxxxx.com/xxxxxmonsterfactory/200.png", 13. "$price": 0, 14. "$quantity": 0, 15. "$sku": "123456", 16. "$product_name": "", 17. "$product_brand": "", 18. "$product_variant": "", 19. "$rating": 0, 20. "$rating_average": 0, 21. "$rating_count": 0, 22. "$rating_max": 0, 23. "$address_street": "", 24. "$address_city": "", 25. "$address_region": "", 26. "$address_country": "", 27. "$address_postal_code": "", 28. "$latitude": 0, 29. "$longitude": 0, 30. "$creation_timestamp": 0, 31. "face_index": "0", 32. "android_tracker_id": "abcdpp", 33. "~id": "76xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5", 34. "~referring_link": "https://xxxxxster.app.link/BQHXB0fO04", 35. "~channel": "WhatsApp", 36. "$ios_passive_deepview": "[xxxxx]_xxxxx_monster_factory_(xxxxxster.app.link)_deepview_lo0d", 37. "$identity_id": "76xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5", 38. "body_index": "0", 39. "ios_tracker_id": "abcd", 40. "monster_name": "Bugsitos", 41. "color_index": "4", 42. "monster": "true" 43. } 44. ], 45. "context": { 46. "ad": { 47. "callback": "", 48. "attributed": "false", 49. "attributionType": "click_through", 50. "isRetargeting": "false" 51. }, 52. "app": { 53. "id": "id917737838", 54. "name": "[xxxxx] xxxxx Monster Factory (xxxxxster.app.link)", 55. "version": "1.3.1" 56. }, 57. "device": { 58. "platform": "iOS", 59. "idfa": "302FBE13-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6CF1C2E1BC3A", 60. "idfv": "1A032C31-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-C5681B9A43E6", 61. "gaid": "", 62. "imei": "", 63. "android_id": "" 64. }, 65. "locale": "en-US", 66. "location": { 67. "city": "SH", 68. "country": "CO", 69. "latitude": "4.6493", 70. "longitude": "-74.061699" 71. }, 72. "ip": "", 73. "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148" 74. }, 75. "timestamp": "2020-03-20T15:36:00.000Z" 76.}
1.{ 2. "eventEnum": "22", 3. "properties": [ 4. { 5. "$publicly_indexable": true, 6. "$locally_indexable": true, 7. "$exp_date": 0, 8. "$canonical_identifier": "", 9. "$og_title": "product", 10. "$canonical_URL": "", 11. "$og_description": "", 12. "$og_image_URL": "", 13. "$price": 349, 14. "$quantity": 0, 15. "$sku": "37605", 16. "$product_name": "", 17. "$product_brand": "37605", 18. "$product_variant": "", 19. "$rating": 0, 20. "$rating_average": 0, 21. "$rating_count": 0, 22. "$rating_max": 0, 23. "$address_street": "", 24. "$address_city": "", 25. "$address_region": "", 26. "$address_country": "", 27. "$address_postal_code": "", 28. "$latitude": 0, 29. "$longitude": 0, 30. "$creation_timestamp": -550772308, 31. "$currency": "INR" 32. } 33. ], 34. "context": { 35. "ad": { 36. "callback": "__callback_param__", 37. "attributed": "true", 38. "attributionType": "click_through", 39. "isRetargeting": "false" 40. }, 41. "app": { 42. "id": "XXXXXX.XX.customer", 43. "name": "XXXXXX", 44. "version": "1.59" 45. }, 46. "device": { 47. "platform": "Android", 48. "idfa": "", 49. "idfv": "", 50. "gaid": "dd66c169-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-227e891ec61a", 51. "imei": "", 52. "android_id": "" 53. }, 54. "locale": "en-US", 55. "location": { 56. "city": "BJ", 57. "country": "IN", 58. "latitude": "28.4597", 59. "longitude": "77.028198" 60. }, 61. "ip": "", 62. "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; SM-G970F Build/QP1A.190711.020; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/80.0.3987.132 Mobile Safari/537.36" 63. }, 64. "timestamp": "2020-03-15T17:09:20.000Z" 65.}
1.{ 2. "eventEnum": "2", 3. "properties": [ 4. { 5. "$publicly_indexable": false, 6. "$locally_indexable": false, 7. "$exp_date": 0, 8. "$canonical_identifier": "", 9. "$og_title": "", 10. "$canonical_URL": "", 11. "$og_description": "", 12. "$og_image_URL": "", 13. "$price": 1294, 14. "$quantity": 1, 15. "$sku": "44282", 16. "$product_name": "", 17. "$product_brand": "", 18. "$product_variant": "", 19. "$rating": 0, 20. "$rating_average": 0, 21. "$rating_count": 0, 22. "$rating_max": 0, 23. "$address_street": "", 24. "$address_city": "", 25. "$address_region": "", 26. "$address_country": "", 27. "$address_postal_code": "", 28. "$latitude": 0, 29. "$longitude": 0, 30. "$creation_timestamp": 0 31. } 32. ], 33. "context": { 34. "ad": { 35. "callback": "", 36. "attributed": "false", 37. "attributionType": "click_through", 38. "isRetargeting": "false" 39. }, 40. "app": { 41. "id": "XXXXXX.tv.customer", 42. "name": "XXXXXX", 43. "version": "" 44. }, 45. "device": { 46. "platform": "Android", 47. "idfa": "", 48. "idfv": "", 49. "gaid": "", 50. "imei": "", 51. "android_id": "" 52. }, 53. "locale": "en-US", 54. "location": { 55. "city": "SZ", 56. "country": "IN", 57. "latitude": "28.6504", 58. "longitude": "77.237198" 59. }, 60. "ip": "", 61. "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.1.0; ASUS_X00LD Build/OPM1.171019.011; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/80.0.3987.132 Mobile Safari/537.36 [FB_IAB/FB4A;FBAV/;]" 62. }, 63. "timestamp": "2020-03-15T09:24:53.000Z" 64.}
1. 确认已添加 Purchase(购买)、AddToCart(加入购物车)、ViewContent(查看内容)事件并已将这些事件传递到 TikTok 广告管理平台。

2. 确认 content_id(内容 ID)将在事件属性中传递至 TikTok 广告管理平台。你可以使用回传模板对属性进行自定义、将特定字段映射到 content_id 并发送到 TikTok 广告管理平台。
3. 在“事件回传”下,确保所有事件数据都将发送到 TikTok 广告管理平台。

4.广告主可以将其 Singular 账户的读取权限授予 TikTok 团队成员,或将上述所有设置的屏幕截图发送给你的销售代表。
5. 示例原始数据
1.{ 2. "context": { 3. "ad": { 4. "attributed": "0", 5. "callback": "", 6. "isRetargeting": "1" 7. }, 8. "app": { 9. "id": "com.xxx.main", 10. "name": "XXX", 11. "namespace": "com.xxx.main", 12. "version": "7.0.2" 13. }, 14. "device": { 15. "android_id": "", 16. "gaid": "xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx", 17. "idfa": "", 18. "idfv": "", 19. "platform": "Android" 20. }, 21. "ip": "", 22. "location": { 23. "city": "--", 24. "country": "IN", 25. "state": "--" 26. } 27. }, 28. "event": "ViewContent", 29. "properties": { 30. "content_id": "658424741287", 31. "content_type": "lifestyle-watches", 32. "currency": "INR", 33. "quantity": "1", 34. "value": "369" 35. }, 36. "timestamp": "2020-03-15T09:00:18" 37.}
1.{ 2. "context": { 3. "ad": { 4. "attributed": "0", 5. "callback": "", 6. "isRetargeting": "1" 7. }, 8. "app": { 9. "id": "com.snapdeal.main", 10. "name": "Snapdeal", 11. "namespace": "com.snapdeal.main", 12. "version": "6.5.8" 13. }, 14. "device": { 15. "android_id": "", 16. "gaid": "1d9d0928-355b-4c36-848e-f91610816242", 17. "idfa": "", 18. "idfv": "", 19. "platform": "Android" 20. }, 21. "ip": "", 22. "location": { 23. "city": "Ranchi", 24. "country": "IN", 25. "state": "Jharkhand" 26. } 27. }, 28. "event": "AddToCart", 29. "properties": { 30. "content_id": "644210250756", 31. "content_type": "women-ethnicwear", 32. "currency": "INR", 33. "quantity": "1", 34. "value": "688.0" 35. }, 36. "timestamp": "2020-03-15T09:00:03" 37.}
1.{ 2. "context": { 3. "ad": { 4. "attributed": "0", 5. "callback": "", 6. "isRetargeting": "1" 7. }, 8. "app": { 9. "id": "com.yyyyy.main", 10. "name": "yyyyy", 11. "namespace": "com.yyyyy.main", 12. "version": "7.0.2" 13. }, 14. "device": { 15. "android_id": "", 16. "gaid": "yyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyy", 17. "idfa": "", 18. "idfv": "", 19. "platform": "Android" 20. }, 21. "ip": "", 22. "location": { 23. "city": "Guwahati", 24. "country": "IN", 25. "state": "Assam" 26. } 27. }, 28. "event": "Purchase", 29. "properties": { 30. "content_id": "623319175468", 31. "content_type": "", 32. "currency": "INR", 33. "quantity": "1", 34. "value": "370" 35. }, 36. "timestamp": "2020-03-15T09:00:26" 37.}
1. 确认已添加 Purchase(购买)、Add to Cart(加入购物车)、View content(查看内容)事件并已将这些事件传递到 TikTok 广告管理平台。

2. 确认 content_id(内容 ID)将在事件属性中传递至 TikTok 广告管理平台。如果与 Adjust SDK 集成时未定义 content_id,你可以手动映射。

3. 确认已打开“启用”和“参数转发”,并且已关闭“仅限归因”。

4. 将你的 Adjust 账户的读取权限授予 TikTok 团队成员,或将上述所有设置的屏幕截图发送给你的销售代表。
5. 示例原始数据
1.{ 2. "genreid": "100017", 3. "skus": "e-8783:10005115", 4. "fb_content_type": "product", 5. "content_id": "e-8783:10005115", 6. "contents": [ 7. { 8. "content_id": "e-8783:10005115" 9. } 10. ], 11. "external_id": "9ac6946d-24fd-4fac-a3be-69f05798e146", 12. "shopid": "225192", 13. "criteo_p": "e-8783:10005115", 14. "fb_content_id": [ 15. "e-8783:10005115" 16. ], 17. "shopurl": "e-8783" 18.}
1.{ 2. "skus": "m-trust:10038196", 3. "fb_content_type": "product", 4. "itemid_as_notencoded": "m-trust:10038196", 5. "content_id": "m-trust:10038196", 6. "itemid_as": "%5B%22m-trust%3A10038196%22%5D", 7. "external_id": "16739875-f493-456e-a09a-0b0dce7786c9", 8. "fb_content": [ 9. { 10. "quantity": "1", 11. "item_price": "1080", 12. "id": "m-trust:10038196" 13. } 14. ], 15. "product_action": "AddToCart", 16. "criteo_p": "%5B%7B%22i%22%3A%22m-trust%3A10038196%22%2C%22pr%22%3A%221080%22%2C%22q%22%3A%221%22%7D%5D", 17. "shopurl": "m-trust", 18. "genreid_as": "%5B%22563742%22%5D", 19. "genreid_as_notencoded": "563742", 20. "contents": [ 21. { 22. "content_id": "m-trust:10038196" 23. } 24. ], 25. "shopid": "245969" 26.}
1.{ 2. "transaction_id": "210384-20210204-00067739", 3. "fb_content_type": "product", 4. "itemid_as_notencoded": "nejiya:10453171", 5. "content_id": "nejiya:10453171", 6. "itemid_as": "%5B%22nejiya%3A10453171%22%5D", 7. "external_id": "4f43835d-fdac-4b57-9864-5f9a6df5f692", 8. "criteo_p": "%5B%7B%22i%22%3A%22nejiya%3A10453171%22%2C%22pr%22%3A%22312%22%2C%22q%22%3A%221%22%7D%5D", 9. "shopurl": "nejiya", 10. "genreid_as": "%5B%22565409%22%5D", 11. "_valuetosum": "312", 12. "genreid_as_notencoded": "565409", 13. "contents": [ 14. { 15. "quantity": "1", 16. "content_id": "nejiya:10453171", 17. "price": "312" 18. } 19. ], 20. "total_amount": "312", 21. "fb_currency": "JPY", 22. "currency": "JPY", 23. "shopid": "210384", 24. "items": "s%3Dnejiya%3A10453171%26q%3D1%26v%3D312", 25. "value": "312" 26.}
1. 确认已将 Pay(支付)、Add_to_cart(加入购物车)、View_content(查看内容)事件添加到“监测”下。

2. 确保 af_content_id 将在事件属性中传递至 TikTok 广告管理平台,此字段将映射到 TikTok 上的 content_id——对于需要发送 af_content_id 字段的事件,必须选中“发送收入”。

3. 确保所有事件都会发送到 TikTok 广告管理平台。

4. 向 TikTok 团队成员授予读取权限。打开广告网络权限,添加相关的 TikTok 团队成员,关闭允许配置集成和允许配置应用内事件回传。

5. 示例原始数据
属性中的 af_content_id 将由 TikTok 广告管理平台的后端系统解析为 content_id。
1.{ 2. "eventEnum": "29", 3. "properties": { 4. "af_content_id": "************8b998", 5. "minutes_consumed": 24691, 6. "uuid": "xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx", 7. "af_content_type": "movie_film", 8. "media_duration": 6471000, 9. "af_content": "Attraction xxxx xxxxx" 10. }, 11. "context": { 12. "ad": { 13. "callback": "", 14. "attributed": "false", 15. "attributionType": "", 16. "isRetargeting": "", 17. "retargetingType": "", 18. "af_is_primary": "true" 19. }, 20. "app": { 21. "id": "com.xxxx.xxxx.xx" 22. }, 23. "device": { 24. "platform": "android", 25. "idfa": "", 26. "idfv": "", 27. "imei": "", 28. "gaid": "************", 29. "android_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxx" 30. }, 31. "locale": "en", 32. "location": { 33. "city": "Miraj", 34. "country": "IN" 35. }, 36. "ip": "************.23", 37. "userAgent": "Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 7.0; IF9031 Build/NRD90M)" 38. }, 39. "timestamp": "2020-03-24T17%3A21%3A18.444Z" 40.}
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