About Branded Mission
Branded Mission is an ad product that connects brands with TikTok creators by offering them incentives to develop authentic video content.
With a Branded Mission campaign, TikTok creators will produce videos based on your requirements. A Branded Mission is a great way to develop authentic and highly creative creations to spark meaningful engagement with your audience on TikTok.
A Branded Mission campaign has these features:
Bundled Feature Page (Branded Hashtag page and/or Branded Effect page)
Branded Mission Page
Branded Mission Details Tab
Branded Mission Submission Tab
Mission Center Page
This article walks you through these features of the Branded Mission campaign.
Before getting started
Branded Mission must be available in the region where you want to launch the Branded Mission. Learn more about Branded Mission and its availability.
Branded Mission Pages
Bundled Feature Page
Branded Mission Details Page
Branded Mission Details Page - Submission tab
Mission Center Page
Once creators enter TikTok Creator Marketplace, they will see the Mission opportunities in the Discover tab.
Branded Mission Creative Assets
Advertiser Name
Advertiser Name character limit is 24 English characters.
Except for "&," blank spaces, emojis, and special characters are not supported.
Note: Each individual user's device may have a different size font, zoom, and device resolution. These variables will determine how an Advertiser's Name appears on their devices.
Branded Mission Name
Branded Mission Name character limit is 70 English characters. We recommend keeping the Mission Name within 18 English characters, so the name displays within one line on most mobile devices. We recommend keeping the BM name consistent with the bundling HT/BE name.
Blank spaces, emojis, and special characters (< > " &) are not supported in a Branded Mission Name.
The Branded Mission names will be co-determined by the client and TikTok.
Note: Each individual user's device may have a different size font, zoom, and device resolution. These variables will determine how a Branded Mission Name appears on their devices.
Branded Mission Profile Picture
Picture size: 240 x 240px
File size: 500KB or less
Format: PNG, JPG or JPEG
Branded Mission Campaign Description
We recommend keeping Branded Mission Campaign Descriptions under 150 English characters, however, a Branded Mission Description supports up to 300 English characters.
This description section is for advertisers to introduce the campaign and its theme to the creators. Please keep this portion consistent with the mission requirements and the tips to create video section.
Branded Mission Requirements
When creating a Branded Mission, you will need to outline your Branded Mission requirements for TikTok creators. These requirements will define the type of content that TikTok creators need to make to participate in the Branded Mission.
We offer a variety of pre-defined Branded Mission creator requirements. Note: You may not modify your Branded Mission requirements once they have been published.
General Requirements
Note: You need to have at least one of the general requirements
1. Mission Requirement: Must use official music.
Required assets: You need to have official music.
2. Mission Requirement: Must use the official hashtag.
Required assets: You need to have a paid branded hashtag ID.
3. Mission Requirement: Mention the official account.
Required assets: You need to have a TikTok account.
4. Mission Requirement: Must Use/Trigger Branded Effect.
Required assets: You need to have a paid BE ID. If you select Trigger Effect as a requirement, you need to provide a short explanation on how to trigger the Branded Effect.
Advertiser may not modify its Branded Mission requirements once they have been published.
Brand Related Requirements
1. Mission Requirement: Reveal the brand logo in the videos for more than 1 sec.
Required Assets: You need to provide your brand name and brand logo (The brand logo will be used to create the logo sticker, and used for moderation purposes).
You must provide at least 1 main picture and a maximum of 5.
More pictures will help our moderators.
Highly recommend providing image(s) in PNG files.
Additional Specifications:
Logo Picture Specs
Main picture size: up to 10MB
Resolution: at least 1,000*1,000 pixels
Supported formats: JPG/JEPG/PNG
Supporting picture (optional):
Supporting picture size: up to 10MB
Resolution: at least 1,000*1,000 pixels
Supported formats: JPG/JEPG/PNG Logo Name Specs
No more than 20 English characters.
2. Mission Requirement: Use Quick Effect Not available if the mission campaign is already bundled with a Branded Effect.
Required Assets: Provide image assets to set up Quick Effect creative.
Provide at least 1 image and up to 10 images.
Highly recommend providing image(s) in PNG files.
Additional Specifications:
File Format: PNG (preferred)/JPEG/JPG
Minimum Image Size: 100px x 100px
Maximum Image Size: 1000px x 1000px
Customized Requirements (Optional)
Note: You can only select up to two customized requirements.
1. Mission Requirement: Dance with the music.
Required Assets: You do not need to provide any assets to use these requirements.
2. Mission Requirement: Lip-sync with the music
Required Assets: You do not need to provide any assets to use these requirements.
3. Mission Requirement: Change your outfits in the video
Required Assets: You do not need to provide any assets to use these requirements.
4. Mission Requirement: Show your face in the video
Required Assets: You do not need to provide any assets to use these requirements.
Tips to Create Videos (Optional)
Tips are displayed on the campaign page as creative guidance to creators. This won't be used for content moderation.
Tips to create videos will be broken into the following entries:
Each entry's character limit is 80 English characters (for other languages – 120 character limitation). We recommend keeping it within 40 English characters (in other languages – 60 characters).
Quick tip for Mission Requirements set up: For optimal campaign performance, we highly recommend having at least one of the following requirements for your campaign:
Must Use/Trigger Branded Effect.
Reveal the brand logo in the videos for more than 1 sec.
Note: Brand-related pictures won't be displayed on the Mission Details page, but feel free to include them in the example videos for creators to use as a reference. We will also remind creators to check out the example videos on the Mission Details page.
Example Video (Required)
You must provide at least one example video showing the type of content you want creators to make. However, you can add up to 10 example videos.
You will be unable to create a Branded Mission without providing at least one example video. You can use the official video from the bundled HT/BE campaign here as well.
The following are example video elements and specifications:
Video ratios: 9:16 aspect ratio, ≥720x1280px, and 100MB or less
Bit rate: Higher than 2,500 kbps
Performers: Featured influencers/performers must be over 18 years old.
Video format: MP4, MPEG, 3GP, AVI, MOV
Length: 12-15 seconds is strongly recommended
Ad Review: The example video needs to be reviewed by the TikTok ad review team.
Video Caption:
A 150-character limit for all languages. 4-60 English characters are recommended for optimal user experience. If the official video will also be used as a Reservation Ad, please also refer to the ad spec of the Reservation Ads.
Hashtags, spaces, and punctuation will be counted as characters.
If you want to use emojis in the caption, please use emoji v.11. Emojis might look different across different devices and operating systems, and some v.11. emojis may not be supported on certain Android devices.
The corresponding Hashtag Challenge Name should be included in the video caption. Note: The recommended ad caption character limitation only applies to major mobile phone brands.
Please avoid line breaks in your video captions.
Uploading: TikTok is not responsible for uploading Branded Mission example video assets. You must upload the example videos to your TikTok account, or to the influencers' accounts 12 hours to 7 days before the launch date.
Suggestions: Place key elements like ad copy and Call to Action in the center of the video. Otherwise, it may be covered by the in-app icons.
Music: The music associated with the official videos should be the music that has been uploaded to the TikTok music library.
Your Example Video needs to be approved by the TikTok Ad Review team.
You will be unable to create a Branded Mission if you do not provide at least one example video.
Official Music
The following are official music elements and specifications:
Cover photo: 300x300; place all key brand elements at the center of the Cover photo area with a diameter of 260px.
Photo file size: 1MB or less
Music format: MP3
Length: 15s-1min; 15s is the recommended length. If it is longer than 15s, situations may occur where users with older app versions will not be able to play the entire music track when using the song to record a video of their own.
Character limit:
No more than 60 English characters for the song name and no character limit for the artist's name.
Recommended character length of up to 12 English characters for song name and artist as optimal user experience.
Avoid emojis and special symbols.
Copyright: You must provide the music copyright document.
Authorization: You must sign the authorization letter provided by TikTok.
Branded Mission Brand Safety Review Assets
Branded Mission offers industry-standard brand safety solutions to make sure that creators are properly representing your brand in their videos. To do this, we will moderate content for competitor exclusion and negative content.
If you wish to implement this brand safety moderation, you will need to provide the following Brand Safety Review Assets:
1. Competitor Exclusion: We need you to provide competitor names and logos.
Specifications: We support up to 5 competitors' names and pictures
Competitor name character limit: 20 English characters
Logo Picture format:
File Format: PNG/JPG/JPEG
Maximum File Size: 1024 KB
2. Negative Content: We need you to provide your brand name and logo.
Brand name: 20 English characters
Logo Picture format:
File Format: PNG/JPG/JPEG
Maximum File Size: 1024 KB
All Brand Safety Review Assets need to pass the approval process by the TikTok Ad Review team.
If you want to create a Branded Mission in a target market that has multiple acceptable languages, we recommend preparing your Brand Safety Review Assets for all of the acceptable languages in that market.
Other Relevant Product Ad Specs
Refer to the following articles to learn more about other Product Ads specs: