As part of our ongoing efforts to provide comprehensive measurement, we've adjusted how we report conversions for campaigns optimized for website events.
TikTok may report modeled conversions when actual conversions are unobservable, giving you a clearer view of your ad campaign performance and offering more complete reporting.
Benefits of Modeled Conversions
Enhanced Reporting: Modeled conversions offer more detailed reporting across your campaigns, helping you understand the overall impact of TikTok ads.
Informed Decisions: By knowing which ads influence conversions, you can make better decisions about future campaign strategies.
How TikTok's conversion modeling works
To model ad campaign conversions, we analyze ad interaction data and aggregated datasets to identify additional conversions that were unobservable. We model conversions based on the actual conversion data when we identify a strong connection between ad interactions and the event when the conversion data may be partial.
We continuously validate and refine our models using ground truth datasets to enhance reporting reliability. We report modeled conversions when a higher degree of confidence indicates a conversion occurred as a result of interactions with your campaigns. This improves accuracy.
While modeled solutions may not be perfect, we're constantly refining them to provide you with more comprehensive and informative reporting.